Urban Blue Green integrated Optimization Study
The objective is to further refine cost-effective opportunities which would contribute to the“Blue Green” aspect of the urban design in a way that optimizes interaction between urbansolutions, water cycles, greenery, resilience to climate variability, energy and pollution.
EnPlus will assist the Master planning in manipulating Urban Components to exploit synergiesthat evolve as a result of interactions between urban fabric components. Particular attentionis devoted to outdoor comfort conditions and the environmental impact of the development.
EnPlus will provide the following services related to sustainability and resilience toclimate extremes:
- Complete Peers Design Review of the existing master plan documents
- Submit a report on project methodology, findings, and a package of specific measures that achieves the users goals for the project
- Perform detailed City (or part of) Sustainability and Resilience audit and propose relevant optimization measures
- Recommend, with the design team, a package of specific measures that achieves the users goals for the project full optimization